
Black German Shepherd

German Shepherds are easily recognizable. Even if you’ve never had a German Shepherd, you probably know what they look like. However, the black German Shepherd is far less famous. This color is highly rare and is not recognized by most major dog clubs.

According to the American Kennel Club, the German Shepherd is the second most popular dog in the United States today. They suffered a slight downturn following WWII as a result of their alliance with Germany. However, their popularity has expanded dramatically over time.

German Shepherds usually have a single coat pattern: black and brown. However, totally black German Shepherds exist. Purebred German Shepherds carry the trait for fully black coats, hence crossbreeding is not the cause.

However, it is much rarer than the regular coloration. They are in high demand and pricey, despite the fact that they cannot compete in dog shows.


Black German Shepherds have many of the same physical qualities as others. They have the same build and grow to be approximately the same size as a purebred German Shepherd.


Males typically range between 65 and 90 pounds, whilst females weigh 50 to 75 pounds. These are considered medium-to-large dogs, so make sure you have enough space before adopting one. Many individuals do not realize how enormous these dogs are before adopting them, and then come to regret their decision later.


Their height is approximately 22-26 inches. This is correct for both men and women. They don’t differ significantly in height, but men are bulkier.


Black German Shepherds are all black. Most German Shepherds have some black on them. However, German Shepherds are completely black. Aside from hue differences, their coats are essentially the same. Their double coat allows them to keep clean and toasty. These working dogs are built to work, and it shows.

The American Kennel Club accepts this coat color. It is also not the product of crossbreeding, as some disinformation suggests. Instead, it is an uncommon hue that only a few German Shepherds get. It is a relatively new phenomenon that is sometimes encouraged by selective breeding.

While the gene for a full black coat was formerly thought to be recessive, many individuals now believe it is dominant. It is not “covered” up by other genes; rather, it does not exist in many dogs.

These dogs have always had dark-colored eyes. Blue eyes are highly rare and typically indicate that a dog has other breeds in his history, such as Huskies.

Aside from color,their bodies are identical to those of their black and tan counterparts. The ears are normally erect in all German Shepherds, but drooping ears can be seen in adults on occasion.


By 1859, Europe’s generalist herding dogs had divided into several separate breeds. In the 1850s, an attempt was made to standardize dog breeds and promote attributes that aided sheep herding, such as speed, strength, endurance, and intelligence.

However, variations existed from place to place. During the Industrial Revolution, the demand for sheepdogs fell along with the predator population.

People knew of the intelligence and prowess of the earlier herding dogs. Because of their strength and intelligence, many regarded them as the “perfect working dog.”

The German Shepherd became one of the most common breeds in the world in a matter of generations.

Since the creation of the breed, the Black German Shepherd has probably existed in some form or another. Many canines, meanwhile, do not have the full black gene. Due to the abnormality, many German Shepherds that were fully black in the past were probably killed at birth. The gene is reappearing in modern times.

Personality and Temperament

German shepherd

The German Shepherd is commonly thought to be an aggressive dog. However, this is not entirely accurate. They have strong protective instincts because they were originally raised to defend flocks of sheep. When a dog’s initial job was to guard, you can expect them to retain guarding instincts even today.

A German Shepherd’s bite is not exceptionally hard compared to many other possibilities. For example, the German Shepherd has a bite force of more than 1,060 newtons. However, numerous canines rank similarly, including the Rottweiler, Pit Bull, and Labrador Retriever. Most dogs of this size will have similar biting strength.

They are considered moderately active. They require roughly the same amount of exercise as similar-sized dogs. A German Shepherd, for example, requires roughly the same amount of activity as a Labrador Retriever or Siberian Husky.

This breed is well-known for being extremely loyal to its owners and easy to teach. When properly trained, they will always listen. However, they have natural protective instincts. If you want a dog who will be protective of their family, this is an excellent choice. However, these dogs require substantial socializing from a young age. Otherwise, they can be very possessive of their family and territory.

These dogs aren’t the nicest. They are people-oriented, but not towards strangers. They are hesitant to interact with strangers. At best, they tend to ignore them totally. Other times, they may be visibly uncomfortable.

German Shepherds have a high prey drive. On the one hand, this allows you to readily motivate them with a ball or tug toy. However, owners who have small dogs or cats in addition to their shepherd must exercise extreme caution. While your dog may not intend to fight a cat or smaller dog, he may inadvertently injure them while play.

Training and Exercise Needs

German Shepherds are relatively easy to train. They are very bright and loyal to their owners. Unlike some dog breeds, they will listen to their owners in the majority of real-life situations. They can quickly learn a multitude of tasks and will carry them out when instructed.

However, these canines do require training. Without it, they can become overly protective and potentially violent. However, their ease of training makes meeting this need very simple. We do recommend that puppy classes begin at a very young age. These sessions give your dog the extra socializing it needs while also allowing you to accelerate their training.

As long as these dogs are well socialized as puppies, private classes are usually unnecessary. The German Shepherd is a highly energetic breed, especially fully black German Shepherds. They require at least two medium-to-long walks each day. Puppies will most likely require further play sessions.

Health & Care

As purebred dogs go, German Shepherds are relatively healthy. However, they are prone to certain health issues. Many of these are the result of early inbreeding within the breed.

Read More: Black German Shepherd: Essential Knowledge

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